Monday, September 7, 2009

We're Out

We are officially in our new place! I am so glad that it is done and all of our stuff has made it through another move. Everything went pretty smooth and the only thing that we seem to be missing is our griddle. I guess sunday morning pancakes are going to have to wait a little while. I like our new place a lot more than I thought I would but the location leaves much to be desired, (we are on some pretty busy streets and I feel quite exposed). The kids got to open many boxes labeled "toys" that had been in the garage for the last six months. It was like christmas for them.

1 comment:

Johnny and Anny said...

Hey Kim!

I have to say I'm jealous that you have your own place! Good luck with the house hunting. I'm so glad you were there the other night, I really enjoyed hanging out!