Friday, September 11, 2009

New Camera

I am doing the new camera dance. Our old one finally bit the dust for good and there was no way I could go without one any longer. While I was at my mom's I would just use hers, but I couldn't just keep it in my purse and take with me every where I went so there was a lot of pictures that I wasn't able to take. So this week Josh and researched consumer reports and surfed the Internet and decided on a super small canon. I LOVE IT!!! I had wanted a fancy Nikon DSLR and so we had talked about just using this one while we save up for the nice big one, but after using it for a few days I am hooked. I am sure that I would love the other one, but this one fits me and my crazy lifestyle better. I can throw it in my purse and grab it out whenever I want and it takes AMAZING PICTURES! Did I mention that I love it :)
Aubrey is crawling like crazy but is doing good, she hasn't made a break for the stairs yet and is pretty content to sit in one place if she is entertained. Depending on her mood she doesn't really like to let me out of her sight. She went to the doctor on Tuesday and got more yucky shots and she is above average for her height and weight and she is right at the 50Th percentile for her head. I can't believe it, I have a child with a average sized head. All of the others were super tiny, Kendra was lucky if she made it on the chart. We are having some sleeping issues with Aubrey. She doesn't like it! She fights it and I use to be able to rock her, but the rocker is at my moms and for some unknown reason Josh has been dragging his feet about going and getting it. I guess he doesn't realize what Aubrey's naps mean to me, I can't wait until this weekend, maybe then he will see. I have been wanting her to learn to get herself to sleep anyways so today I was letting her cry in her crib. After far too long I broke down and went in there, I couldn't believe what I saw. There she was standing up in her crib holding on to the sides. Why must I have early walkers, why oh why? Maybe I am being punished. The doctor said on Tuesday that it looked like she would be walking early, by say 8 or 9 months (Kendra walked before she had turned 9 months) but I brushed it off. They can't learn to walk if I am not pushing it can they? But as of today all hope has now been lost. She turned 7 months old today and can now pull herself up, OH BOY!This was the project that I did yesterday. I was sick of clipping all of my bows on Josh's ties so i decided that I would do something about it. I was pleased with the way it turned out. I love making bows and now that my craft room is pretty much done I will be busy! I have many projects planned and just got a ton of new fabric, YEA!!! So if anyone wants to come on over I would love to make some more bows with you! Preston picked out his own outfit yesterday. He was looking pretty comfy but got just a tad warm when it got into the 80's yesterday, at least he was sporting his sandals.Aubrey is still working on getting some teeth. She has yet to have any sprout but poor thing is just miserable sometimes. The nice thing is that the teething tablets seem to actually help her. They never seemed to help my other children. In fact, I may have the same bottle that I had bought when Kendra was teething.

I almost have everything put away in our new place and now mostly just have some straightening up, laundry and that kind of stuff to do. I have been making myself get the house completely in order before I start bringing out all of my house decor and pictures and all of that fun stuff. So this weekend I am determined to get this place looking like our home. Wish me luck! (I should probably go get started instead of sitting on the computer)

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