Saturday, February 28, 2009

Man I have a lot of kids!

I have been saying this to myself all week! As I load them all up to head out to my mothers or even just think about running to wal-mart or costco I get a tad bit overwhelmed!!! It is getting easier though as I start to feel more like myself and we find a routine. Aubrey is just over two weeks old and it seems like we just brought her home from the hospital. She is awake a little more often now but is still being an angel baby. Preston has definitely mellowed out some and I am thankful for that. All of the kids seem to be adjusted for the most part, they mostly ignore Aubrey but are glad to have her around and hold her from time to time. I have decided that Aubrey is going to have her own look. Yes, she looks like the all three of the others but I don't think she will look a ton like any of them (Like how Kendra and Ethan could be twins if they were the same age) She is going to be more like Preston, where she looks like her siblings but has her own look too. She smiles every so often when she is sleeping and it melts my heart, she is going to be a cutie! I just took this picture of her.
What a mean mom, she was trying to go to sleep and I was flashing that dang camera in her face.
Sometimes I just can't believe that I have a baby girl, the first week she was here I kept calling her a boy, I guess I had to get used to the whole girl thing, it had been too long. But now I get to bust out the bows and PINK! WOO HOO :)

Kendra and Ethan have decided to play baseball this spring instead of soccer and are very excited. Well Kendra will play softball and Ethan will be playing tee-ball. I am just excited for spring, it definitely makes it a little easier on me when the kids can go outside and use up some of their energy. This next week is spring break and I hope that I can make it through alive.

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