Thursday, February 26, 2009

25 Random things about Kendra

I figured it was time to do Kendra's 25 things.

1. She is super tall, when the doctor does thier growth projections with their growth curve she is going to be 6'1"- HOLY COW!!!
2. She isn't shy, I always thought that my daughter would be shy but she definitely is NOT
3. Kendra has super long hair and after Julie's wedding we are going to get it cut and she is donating it to locks of love
4. She came inside crying a few days after we brought Aubrey home and told me that they (Ethan and their neighbor friends) didn't understand how hard it is to be a big sister to so many brothers and sisters. POOR THING, I started crying too!
5. She loves school
6. She loves teaching her brother everything she learns
7. She loves stuffed animals and has never really been into barbies or baby dolls
8. She has huge feet, just like her mama :)
9. Rarely does she ever sleep in past 8:00
10. She loves to create things, she is into crafts and all things messy.
11. She has had her ears pierced since she was just over a year old, I was sick of people calling her a boy
12. She never wears earrings
13. Every teacher she has had so far has been her favorite (oh the joys of elementary school)
14. She is willing to try new things at least once
15. She is my best eater :)
16. She is going to play softball for the first time this season
17. She doesn't like to play video games but is happy watching her little brother play.
18. She is a morning person, thus never sleeping in, but she hops right out of bed with a smile on her face
19. She is very smart, and works very hard at school
20. She loves to recieve compliments and attention
21. Her laugh is hilarious!
22. She loves to sing
23. Sometimes she stays up super late reading. We can always tell because the next day she has dark circles around her eyes
24. She is an awesome big sister and is super patient
25. I can't believe how fast she has grown up, she is a little woman now and I love her very much, I have definitely learned a lot from her and sometimes I feel bad that she is the oldest and that we have done so much growing up together.

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