Monday, February 2, 2009

The Date is Set

Well, I went to the doc today and have progressed to a three. YAH!!!! But ya know, with Ethan I was at a three for two weeks. I have had a lot of contractions lately, if they could just stick around then I might actually be in labor. My doctor is on call on the 11th so he said if I don't go on my own by then I can be induced that day. I LOVE MY DOCTOR!!! So at least I know that I don't have to go past Feb 11th, which is huge and I am super excited. My sister Amy came up from Utah with my mom and got here yesterday. She spent the day keeping me company and getting me motivated to do my dishes and she cleaned my front room and floors. I am extreamly greatful for her help and can't wait for baby to get here. Now if only I could get Preston to treat his cousin nicely then it will make my life much easier.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hooray, we will be thinking about you and baby Aubrey! Love that name.