Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our little Wild Man

Preston has a very unique personality, he is always on the go. He acts silly and knows how to get you to laugh. Lately he has been giving a lot of sideways glances, I don't know how to really describe what he does but it is hilarious! The other night Preston had insisted on wearing his brother's Buzz Lightyear bike helmet and then proceeded to put on Ethan's shoes as well. I can't remember exactly the situation but he wanted to go somewhere. It was Sunday and he hadn't gotten a nap, we go to church from 11 to 2 so it is pretty much right during his naptime. Well that evening we were all sitting on the couch playing the Wii and Preston was over playing and being pretty quiet. I though he was filling his diaper but next thing we know this is what we find. Apparently he just couldn't take it anymore. The sad part was that it was 6:00 so it was too early to let him sleep for the night and too late to let him get in a short nap. So we woke him up to eat dinner and he eventually went back to sleep. POOR GUY!!!
When we had those wondeful temps last week Preston insisted on getting out the scooter. This is a razor scooter that we bought for Ethan that has three wheels on it and a big base so that little ones can ride it. Preston loves this thing and can actually scoot it along. The only down side is that once he starts riding he never wants to get off.

I went to the doctor and sadly still have nothing new to report. I am still at a two and playing the waiting game. The doctor said I could go this week or in three weeks he can't tell. He said that he use to think that he could tell but that he has given up. He did say that I can be induced my last week if I wanted on whatever day he is on call after the 9th. He has told me that twice now so I am excited because I will not have to go all of the way to my due date so that puts me at just over two weeks left unless I go on my own which is spectacular!

1 comment:

Amy and Wayne Taylor said...

This little green sweatshirt reminds me of little ethan. He's so cute. Can't wait to see you next week.