Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas

I know that I am a little late with this but I hope that everyone had a spectacular christmas! We had a nice quiet christmas it seemed like this year. I don't know what it was but we seemed to avoid a lot of the stress that the holidays ushually bring. Heck, Preston didn't even understand the whole santa/present thing since we never really talked about it. I tried to keep the holidays centered more around the birth of our savior and why that is the greatest gift that we could ever get. I think that it worked pretty well, even for an eight and five year old. Kendra turned eight on December 21 and so she was able to experience one of the most important days in her life. She was Baptized on Saturday, December 27 by her father. I am still in shock that my daughter is old enough to take this step. It was a very simple and wonderful baptism and both her grandma and grandpa Card were able to speak. She wanted me to give the talk on baptism but I knew that there was just no way that I would have been able to get through it. Grandma did a wonderful job! I know that having her baptism right after christmas was helpful to keep me focused on what is really important. She was really excited and afterwards we came back to our house for lunch and cake to celebrate both her and Preston's birthdays. Preston turned two years old yesterday and pretty much didn't even realize it. We sang to him a couple of times and he seemed to like that but other than that it was just another day for him. Oh and he got to go to the doctor, what better way to celebrate than getting a shot huh? The doctor did say that he is catching up in his weight. He is in the 50th percentile for both height and weight now which is actually a big relief. Preston has always been super skinny and at his last well baby check-up the doctor was a little bit concerned so he was pleased with his weight gain yesterday but he is still a little stick!

This is Ethan with his big Santa present as well as his new christmas PJ's. Santa brought both Ethan and Preston Imaginext sets, but Ethan had really wanted this one called "Gorilla Mountain" all three kids love playing with imaginext they get out their Littlest Pet Shops and Kendra's Polly Pockets and have a blast, and lately they add hot wheels cars to the mix. I could just listen to them play for hours, the imagination of little kids is so sweet.

Here is Kendra opening what I think was her very first Christmas present. It always boggles my mind how much fun the week of christmas must be for her between her birthday and christmas at all of her grandparents houses and then at home she opens presents for an entire week sometimes!

Here we are showing off our slippers that we all got for Christmas. Daddy is the only one missing out on the slipper action this year, I guess we are going to have to get him some! And those huge bunny slippers are Kendra's not mine. Josh is enjoying his last days of freedom before he has to start his day job and the kids are enjoying their christmas break. I don't know if I am going to be ready for the fifth, the kids go back to school and Josh starts his job, I also happen to have a doctor's appointment that day. I guess Preston and I are going to have some quiet days around the house until Aubrey decides to join us and mix things up a bit.

1 comment:

Amy and Wayne Taylor said...

So fun to see pics of the kids. I'm so sad that we missed Kendra's baptism it sounds like it was very nice. According to mom it was a sob fest. Miss you guys!!