Sunday, December 14, 2008

An Update

I have been meaning to post an update for awhile now, we have had quite a bit happening. First and foremost Josh got a job, WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got hired on with a logistics firm here in Billings and will start the first Monday in January. We are all very relieved and I am looking forward to some extended time home with my family. It has worked out for the best as far as I am concerned but I don't think Josh would say the same thing. He has quite a full semester ahead of him now with a full time day job, but hopefully he won't work more than three nights a week and that will all be to save up for next year's college expenses.
Josh finished his finals this week and I think that I was as stressed as he was! I will admit, I help my husband with his schoolwork. I don't DO it, but I help him. He told me that it has made a big difference though and it is like having a personal tutor. I don't mind at all and I have noticed a HUGE difference from the beginning of the semester until now so I think it has been worth it. The kids are all looking forward to Christmas but can't seem to come up with any good ideas about what they want. I still have plenty of Christmas shopping to do but can now focus on that while the kids are in school since Josh has some time before he starts work. I am feeling good and getting bigger and bigger, I am now at the point where I can't really get comfortable so I know that I am at the end.

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