Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Love Saturdays

We haven't done too much this week. Josh finished up his training and had his first night on the floor all by himself. It is exciting to think of all the great things that we are going to be able to do with the extra money! And it is really good for Josh to get out of the house and interact with adults on a regular basis. I honestly think that is going to be the best thing to come out of this job. I know that he seems like he is going to go crazy sometimes being home all day and night with the kids.

I titled this blog "I love Saturdays" for a reason. I know that most people love Saturdays and they get so much done or run errands. But I love Saturdays because I don't do ANYTHING. When I was A child my mom always made Saturday "Chore Day". I HATED IT!!! I would dred Saturday mornings, we always had to clean our rooms, the bathrooms, and then another room in the house or a special chore for the day. So now, as a grown up, I spend my Saturdays doing anything but chores. I ushually sleep in until about 8:00, which is AWESOME, if I can get Kendra to cooperate. And then we have a nice breakfast, if we want to go out then we will, but for the most part we just use it as a very lazy day, I play with the kids or make a special treat or dinner. But at the end of my Saturday I feel so refreshed and ready for another week. Sometimes we have those Saturdays where we are gone all day doing this or that and when I get home I am more tired than on any weeknight. I try and run my errands or clean the house on weeknights after the kids are asleep, I just seem to get so much more done this way and then I get to keep my Saturdays filled with NOTHING.

1 comment:

Amy said...

WOW! Preston is looking more and more like your kids he sure is cute. What is Josh's new job? Sorry to here about your friend. My friend Jenny that works at the hospital said there had been a lot of deaths lately. Hope all is well and things get better.