Thursday, April 17, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking- The Final Frontier

Josh got his new laptop today and I think that I am as excited as he is. My mom got me a really cool digital scrapbooking program for christmas but due to our really slow and crappy computer I didn't dare load it. So with the arrival of the laptop I was able to try my hand at digital scrapbooking. It was interesting, and I definitely need to get a mouse, it is really hard to do this without one. I am going to try and share my first pages but we will see if I can actually accomplish this. The kids sat next to me the entire time so that also seemed to add to the process but I think that I am really going to like this!


Amy said...

I love digital scrapbooking it is so fun and cheap. There are lots of places online that will put your pages in books for really cheap let me know and I can email them to you. Kids look cute and are getting so big. OUr little Ashlyn still isn't walking. All Well.

Anonymous said...

Is that a Creativ eMemories program by any chance? I would love to start doing it that way, but I was a little nervous about starting, so let me know how is goes and if it's worth investing in a program.