Monday, January 28, 2008


I know that this is way past due but we had an awesome Thanksgiving this year and all of our family was able to be there. This was no small feat! It actually hadn't happened since Kendra was six months old! So that would have been 6 1/2 years. Needless to say we got some family pictures taken and they turned out great. These other pictures were just from around the house and of the cousins. Gavin LOVED the snow, although we aren't quite sure what he was doing in this picture. And who couldn't love Uncle Devin, even if he is a pirate!

1 comment:

Megs said...

Holy cow--I don't even recognize the other people in your family any more!! I am jealous you all got to be together. We are TRYING to all get together in the Big Horns this summer.