Monday, January 7, 2008

Aha! A Touching Moment

I just love having an *AHA* moment and yesterday while sitting in primary I was blessed to experience just that!

Earlier in church we had a close friend of ours get up to share his testimony. This guy is one that I have know since I moved to Billings and he was first married and welcoming their first little one into their family. Now she is prego with number six and they are good friends of ours. He is such an amazing dad and truly cherishes his family, whenever he shares his testimony it strengthens mine. Anyways he spoke of his family, as he always does, and told of how if he has a bad day at work and makes mistakes, maybe gets in trouble, or maybe is gone on business for an extended time, that when he walks through that door NONE of that matters! What matters is that he is home and that his family loves him. I am sure that we have all experienced this feeling even if we aren't the parent! There is a special love there that means more than anything else. Of course...this brought tears to my eyes and I knew that my family makes me feel that way everytime I come home. I love it when they stop whatever they are doing and run up to greet me with hugs and kisses.

Later that day I was sitting on the back row in the primary room (I teach the Valient 12) and we were in the middle of sharing time. The lesson was on the plan of salvation. I have to add here that Kendra has graduated to SENIOR primary and this just boggles my mind, how in the world has this happened? Anyways I could see her sitting on the front row just soaking the lesson up. It was special for me to watch her as she learned alongside the "BIG KIDS" about our Heavenly Father's plan in a very grown up way. So as we were learning about what will happen after we die the teacher was telling the kids that our Heavenly Father is going to be so happy to see us and that he wants us to Choose The Right and that he loves us more than we can ever know. Now came my moment!

I began to think of our friends Testimony from earlier and I realized that when we return to Heaven, as we all will someday, that it is going to be just as he had spoke of. It really won't matter if we were gone a long time, or maybe we made mistakes, or maybe even got into some trouble or just became discouraged. That feeling that we get when we are welcomed home from a day of hard work will be multiplied to the point that we cannot even commprehend. Our Heavenly Father will just be glad that we are home. I also began to think of my children and some of the CRAZY and even HORRIBLE things that they have done but despite all of that I love them NO LESS!!! There is nothing that they could do, even if they ignored me completely, that would lessen my love for them. Our Heavenly Father's love is perfect and greater than anyone else's. I know that this revelation is nothing new, but it hit me with such force that I was completely overcome. It was the most comforting feeling! I had to quickly wipe away my tears and pull myself together since we were in the middle of sharing time. But I will never forget those feelings and the knowledge that my Heavenly Father loves me no matter what and wants me to come home someday and when I do he will be overcome to see me, just as I will be to see him.


Mom said...

You are wonderful..... And it is so true, he loves us more than we love our children and for me that knowledge brings me such comfort because I love my children more than anything else in this world and to think he loves me even more and them even more than I is wonderful. We will be with him again and any sacrifice we make in this life to be with him will be sooooo worth it.
I love you

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your "AHA" moment!! You are such a special person. I love it when I have those moments. Your blog is fun to read!! I have other friens that are getting into the whole blog scene....for me I don't have the time and I'm not realy that interesting. I love reading others blogs!! Love you, Christy

Megs said...

That is such an awesome connection. Pret and I have talked about that a lot recently and it does bring great comfort. Thanks for sharing your blog with me--I will look forward to reading it!

P.S. Our blog address is pmdahlgrenfam...