Friday, October 30, 2009

Time Flies When You Are Having FUN!

On Tuesday Josh and I had our 9th anniversary. I had big plans to scan some old pictures of us and say all of this cute stuff about how much I love him and how amazing the past nine years have been. But as you can tell, it didn't happen. I believe I spent my day sewing instead. Whoops! So I just want to say that I love my husand. He is amazing, everyday I just stop and marvel at what we have become. We have both changed a lot, getting married at 18 and 20 will do that to you. And I am lucky that we are stronger and more in love now that I ever dreamed possible.

Josh ended up not working that night and Kim's restaurant was open for business (that is what we call leftover night around here.) I grabbed some scrap pieces of paper and wrote down what was on our menu for the night and I acted like I was really their server. The kids LOVE it, and Kendra was giggling the entire time. Last week when Josh was out of town we had corndogs for dinner, don't laugh I know you have done it too when dad is gone. I had some corndogs left and made the mistake of putting them on our "menu." So wouldn't you know the kids all wanted corndogs for dinner, not lasagna, speghetti, or chicken with pinapple and veggies in orange sauce. CORNDOGS! Oh well, I got to enjoy the rest of the chicken while Josh had lasagna. I even let the kids pick their side items and all meals were served with complimentary cottage cheese and water to drink. I told that kids that "Kim's Restaurant" had opened nine years ago and the food gets better every year. They thought that was pretty funny and I even got Josh to laugh.

As some of you might know Josh and I didn't really have a wedding. My dress was a whole $3 off of the clearance rack at Sears, cake was from costco, and our decorations consisted of two HUGE balloons hooked onto a weird contraption, (I am not even going to try and explain.) We always said that we would have a big party when we hit 10 years. THAT IS NEXT YEAR! At first I was all gung ho about it and searched and searched for the perfect dress. Not to wedding dressy but still white and beautiful. I haven't found a dress and my enthusiasm is waning just a tad. We were going to have it at the train depot or some place similar and just have dinner and then cake and dancing. Just celebrate our marriage with our family and friends and have the reception that I never had. Is this silly? I Just thought that I would throw it out there and get some opinions. Josh is up for whatever I decide but I just can't seem to make up my mind.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy!

The Wynia family has been out of commission for a while but I am happy to report that we are all feeling good again. The doctor told us that we had the swine flu but if that was it then I don't see what all the fuss is about. Kendra, Ethan, and I all had a fever for about 24-48 hours and Kendra and Ethan's were easily controlled with tylenol. Then we each felt icky for another day or so and now we are all good. I have a little bit of a lingering cough and if Kendra and Ethan start playing too hard then the cough starts up again. Actually Kendra starts coughing at night. Josh and I are convinced that she forces it. Her cough doesn't sound anything like Ethan's or mine. Has anyone else had a child that insists on coughing all of the time? Kendra always does this, even if she is just a tiny bit sick. It drives Josh and I CRAZY! So yeah, we all survived the swine, no big deal. They had us start treating Preston before he had any symptoms and he never got the fever but does seem to have a little bit of congestion. Here are some before and after pictures of Kendra, she seemed the most sick of us all.
Yes, she is even dramatic about being sick. Ethan wanted to go school after the tylenol kicked in and I had to convince him that even though he felt better he had to stay home. He just complained that he was too bored to stay at home.
Here is Aubrey all dolled up for church last Sunday. I just can't resist taking pictures of this adorable little girl. She finally got two teeth to come through and now is just working on one more it looks like at the moment. She really doesn't like to show anyone, so it is hard to tell. All I know is that she is cranky. I thought that she had an ear infection when we all went to the doctor, but he said her ears were fine. I am usually pretty good about knowing when my kids have ear infections, which isn't very often. But I have been wrong about Aubrey twice, the pediatrician joked that I have lost my touch and need more practice, no thank you!

Ethan is getting much better about picking out his own clothes lately. I am pretty particular about what he wears most of the time, but tried to let go a little this summer and let him wear whatever he wanted. His choice usually consisted of a tee-shirt and mesh shorts which always bugged me but now that it is cooling off he is picking things that mom agrees with again.
Preston is still being a superstar with his potty training and has it mastered. I can take him out in public now without making sure I bring his potty chair with us (he wasn't a fan of full-size toilets for a while) And only seems to have accidents at grandma's house, not quite sure what that one is about. The biggest suprize for me has been that he stays dry during his nap and is almost always dry in the morning. I am a little stunned at that one, he has only had 2 or 3 wet mornings!

Josh did such a good job taking care of us when I wasn't feeling good. His boss sent him home when he heard that we had all been diagnosed with the swine flu but Josh tried to convince him that he needed to stay at work AWAY from the germs. But he ended up coming home and cooked the most amazing chicken noodle soup for us one night for dinner. Thanks Josh!

This little girl has me baffled, I just can't seem to figure her out. For example, one day I will be able to quietly lay her down for her naps and she will just fall asleep on her own and then the next day she freaks out and I have to bounce her, hold her, rock her, anything just to get her to fall asleep when she is obviously tired. Her personality changes faster than I can describe! So that is what we have been up to, if I didn't answer or return phone calls, or if I forgot to do something then I am sorry. I don't get sick very often and it really put a kink in my week!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We Did It

This little guy is officially POTTY TRAINED! I can't believe it. I just keep telling myself that it isn't possible but yes, he is! I woke up Tuesday morning with the thought, "today is the day that I am going to potty train Preston." I have no idea where it came from but it was as clear as day. So I got the kids off to school and stripped my little guy down to his t-shirt. After his first accident I knew that we could do it. He stopped and said OH! BEFORE the flow started. That is when I knew that he could tell what was going on. I tried to get him to sit on the potty and nothing. In fact we had one more accident and so finally I got out the potty chair, took Preston downstairs and told him he could sit on his chair while he watched cartoons. I went down to check on him a little bit later (with the intent of making him sit on his potty) and lo and behold there was a suprize waiting for me. He had peed all by himself. And that is what we did for the next four days. He got to hang out watching cartoons with his handy potty chair right next to him drinking all of the juice he wanted. And he would go potty whenever he felt the need.

Preston is very independent and once I realized that he COULD do it, I left it up to him to make it happen. The first day I kept telling him how proud I was of him, especially after he pooped in the potty all by himself! The next day I was buckling him into his carseat and he had just gone potty, he looked up at me and said "your proud of me mommy." I just wanted to squeeze him! How sweet, and I am VERY proud of him. He turns three on December 30 so that means he will be a sunbeam come the first of the year. A very YOUNG sunbeam and I have been really worried about that. But now we have one big hurdle down, YEA!!!

This lttle girl is working on her first tooth, actually her first four teeth. She has learned about cameras and that bright light that they make. She started squinting when that orange light comes on. Me niece Presleigh dd the same thing and I thought it was so cute! A little hard to get a good picture, but still cute.
Here is Ethan all ready for for the primary program. Ethan had a super long scripture and almost completely memorized it, Josh and I were very impressed. Ethan had two other members of his primary class in his Kindergarten class and they had an awesome teacher. Well the little girl that is in Ethan's primary class invited Mrs. Shull (their teacher) to come to the primary program and she did! Ethan was so excited to have her there, it made it very special and we were glad that Mrs. Shull agreed to come and see these cute little kiddos.

I broke down and finally had to go and buy Kendra some clothes for school. You know when dad says something that maybe it is time to go. Kendra is at a really hard stage for clothes right now. I just never know what to buy her, so we got some trendy outfits and then some things that I picked out. :)
Preston is so sweet! I turned the camera around to take some pictures of the two of us and he thought that was the coolest thing, too bad he just kept watching me instead of the camera!