Monday, November 24, 2008

The Big Layoff

Well as many of you know if you live in the area Stillwater Mining Company just had a pretty big layoff which included closing down the East Boulder Mine completely. Well Most of the miners were brought back on at our Nye minesite due to the fact that we had been cancelling many of our labor contracts in the previous weeks. But as for the support staff, they were cut dramatically. The department that I worked in started out with six plus the manager and is now down to two plus the manager. They are actually bringing in someone from the Nye site to take over my job. It all really sucks but what can ya do. We knew it was coming. Seeing as how metel prices have dropped to practically nothing and all of our contracts are with the car industry it was bound to happen. I just hope that they don't end up closing the entire mine. So I am now officially unemployed.
Seeing as how I am twelve weeks away from my due date I have a few complications when it comes to finding a job. Like, NO ONE HIRES A PREGNANT PERSON WHO IS THIS CLOSE TO THEIR MATERNITY LEAVE! So Josh is looking for a day job and has been able to switch all of his classes around for next semester so that they are all online. We are really lucky that he was able to do that so we don't fall behind when it comes to school. He is actually at an interview right now so I am super nervous and hope that it goes well. In the meantime everyone is adjusting to having me home, especially Preston. He has been fighting a cold all of last week so I am sure that hasn't helped but Kendra and Ethan have told me many times how much they like that I get to take them to school and pick them up. I have enjoyed having so much time in my day! I have been able to get laundry done and a few other things that had been piling up for months. I will keep everyone posted on how the job hunting goes and hopefully it won't last too long.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sorry to hear about your job. It seems like everyone is getting layed off these days. Hope it all works out.