Tuesday, August 31, 2010

No More Junk

We just moved. AGAIN! I am so sick of moving and I hope that we don't move again for a very VERY long time. Josh and I are coming up on our ten year anniversary and in those 10 years we have moved 8 times now. That includes a five month stay at my mother's house last spring and staying at my grandmother's place while looking for a house to buy and then waiting for our house to be built. I never felt like I moved all of the time until now. But hopefully we will be here for awhile. We moved into my Mom and Dad's house. They are empty nesters with a large house. My dad has Parkinson's and has a hard time moving around and stairs aren't easy. He also can no longer take care of the necessary things around the house. So we came up with a solution.... We are living in their house and will hopefully be buying it when Josh is done with school. And they moved into a smaller and more manageable house that doesn't have stairs.

Our kids are going to Blue Creek School now which is a small county school and they love it. I didn't want to move them from Big Sky until I knew that we would be permanent but I figure this is close enough. As of yesterday we are officially DONE with our other place and every corner and shelf was cleaned and the inspection is done. That is the worst part for me. I don't mind going through all of the stuff and boxing it up and hauling it all over. And I really enjoy unpacking and putting everything in the right place and getting it all organized. But having to devote days to scrubbing out an empty place that you are just leaving behind, well let's say that I would rather be cleaning just about anything else. My aunt and cousin helped me out with the kiddos and my sister pitched in to help me finish in time for the inspection. THANK YOU!

Now I have a large house in desperate need of attention. My mom still has stuff in most closets and on the walls and I have stuff.... everywhere. This is definitely a crazy move and someday when I get it all organized and pretty I will post a picture or two. Maybe. It is strange living here with all of my stuff in a house that I am so familiar with. My parents have never lived in a house for as long as they have lived in this one. We all still call it grandma's house. And we probably will for a really long time.

1 comment:

Ursala said...

Is this the house in Briarwood? How exciting!